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Selectmen Minutes 08/03/2006
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Thursday – August 3, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas will call the meeting to order at 5:45 pm
Catherine Shaw taking minutes
6:00 – Crotched Mountain – to discuss the lease of the old town office building.  The Board reviewed the draft lease that was sent to them from Crotched Mountain prior to the appointment.  Dumas would like to go over each item they changed with them and check it in detail.  
Leah Conway, Jon Eriquezzo and Donald Shumway came in from Crotched Mountain.  Dumas went over items that were changed to make sure everyone was in agreement.  Jon was introduced to the Board.  
Shumway asked, are they occupying the building during construction?  They would like permission to be on the premises to do the work.  The 3 years would begin when the work is done.  
Rent was discussed.  Future improvements may come up, and then the amount will be discussed again at that time.  
The sewer is covered under utilities.  Everyone agrees.  The Town will hook up the sewer.  
Shumway asked about the process of approval of work done.  Approved by the Landlord would mean, Board of Selectmen’s approval at a meeting.  
Shumway appreciates the Boards support of the Community Block Grant.  There may be an opportunity for another grant in the future.  They will come back at that time.  
Add the ”A” item back to #15:  Tenant fails to make any payment of rent hereunder within 15 days of its due date.  
#3 was changed to reflect their investment as opposed to the rent.  Add, investing “up to”?  They may be investing more and receiving another grant.  The money will go through the Town.  Add in: The cost of repairs approved by the Town and carried out by the Tenant, may be used to offset each month’s rent. Change “as” to be “should” in the 1st sentence.  
We need another final version of this lease and then they will both sign it.  They don’t need to meet again, just send the document back and forth.  
Do you want a Public Hearing?   Yes.  Set a date after it is signed?  Have the Public Hearing before it is signed would be better.   Put a notice in the paper next week, for the following Thursday August 17th at 6:00 pm.   Abutter’s need to be notified by certified mail of the Public Hearing.  It will be an informational public hearing of the renting of the old town office.  Have people contact Leah, if they call with questions.  
Shumway said, Thank-you for very good Police service.  Extremely good service is provided by the Police Dept.  Thank-you.    
On-going Business:
Church Lease – Forwarded the lease to Micheal Sparling – he is away until Thursday.
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       A/P checks & Invoices
·       Minutes – accept 7/27/06 with changes
·       Elderly & Disabled Tax Deferral Application – Bonner, John T. Not approved at this time.  Needs to be redone.
·       Application for Sewer Connection – Abbott-Jr., Samuel L.
·       App., Cert. & Agreement form for Federal Surplus Property
Meeting House Tables  – The Sportsmen Club has relocated their tables.  We are down to 5 tables at the meeting house.  They Board went to the Meeting House to measure the tables.  They are 6’ Life Time tables.  We could use $1,500 from General Government Buildings budget for 10 tables at catalog prices.  We have to have them if we are going to rent the hall.   Dumas motion to purchase 10 or more 6’ tables, not to exceed $1,500.   Seconded by Rainier.  Kullgren wants them stamped Town of Greenfield and numbered. Motion passed.  
Trustee of the Trust Funds and Cemetery Trustee – The Board agreed to appoint Gil Bliss as Trustee when there is a vacancy.  He will be a Trustee in waiting.
Wage & Benefit Committee – Kullgren updated the Board on the Wage & Benefit Committee.  At the last meeting Karen Day, Margaret Charig and Kullgren were in attendance.  Future agenda item for the Board will be evaluations.  And how we will start this process.  Kullgren wants to put it as ongoing business.  The next piece is to update present job descriptions and how they would affect a wage scale.  Dumas wants to be really involved in the feedback.  Margo will call to schedule a time to meet with the Board.  30 minutes will be needed.
Boston Post Cane - Ask Jane Winslow: who is the oldest citizen?
With no further business the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 7:19 pm.   The next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, August 10, 2006 at 5:45 pm.